Friday, 19 April 2013

Young Living Essential Oils in Edmonton

Are you looking for a distributor in Edmonton, Alberta? Look no further you have found me! Feel free to e-mail me questions, visit my website, read my blog or join me on twitter. Learn more about these amazing natural remedies!




Order 190 PV and earn Citrus Fresh & Aroma Seize (15ml)

Order 250 PV and earn Citrus Fresh & Aroma Seize (15ml) plus a $30 voucher

Order 300 PV and earn Citrus Fresh & Aroma Seize (15ml) plus a $30 voucher & 500 cruise points

FLU? INSOMNIA? STRESS? BACK PAIN? CHRONIC PAIN? PMS? ACNE? Young Living has an essential oil for you!

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Lemon Essential Oil

Are you looking for a natural remedy? Lemon essential oil has so many uses and it is also a relatively inexpensive essential oil. You may LOVE it so much you can't stop using it so you may  have a few bottles of it around!!! Definitely a favorite of mine! 

Lemon essential oil has a pure citrus scent. It is a powerful antioxidant that is also revitalizing and uplifting! The following are a few uses for Lemon essential oil...

* Flavor enhancer for foods (fish, vegetables & dessert)
*Put a drop in your tea or water
* Mood enhancer
*Supports your immune system
*Supports the nervous system
*Increase alertness (inhale)
*Support depression (drink lemon in your water)
*Soothes heart burn. 
*1-2 drops of lemon on corns, callouses or bunions to soothe and prevent them! (this works!)
*Mix a drop of lemon with your skin cream or cleanser to support healthy skin!
*Rub 1-2 drops of lemon on a water AM/PM until the wart is GONE! 
*4-6 drops of lemon with 1 tsp of V-6 Oil on CELLULITE. 
*Improves circulation. 
*Use 1-2 drops to clean your stove
*Add 5-10 drops of lemon essential oil, 1/4 cup of white vinegar to a bucket of water. This will clean a very dirty floor!
*2-3 drops of lemon with water in a spray bottle to clean your bathroom!
*1 drop of lemon in your dishwasher for spot free dishes and a fresh scent.
*YUMMY...lemonade...2 drops of lemon, 2 tsp honey & 2 cups of water. 

* DIFFUSE lemon essential oil to freshen the air in the room!
*Lemon may assist in the healing of cold sores, mouth ulcers and any other mouth sore. 
*2 drops of lemon topically applied may clear up athletes foot. 

The lemon essential oil is available on its own or in the EVERYDAY OILS starter kit. This is the kit I started with and it is excellent value with a lovely variety of oils to get you started or help you carry on your journey to health! The Everyday Oils starter Kit comes with the following essential oils: Peppermint, Lavender, Purification, Frankincense, Panaway, Valor, Thieves, Peace & Calming and of course Lemon. 

E-mail with any questions or to assist you in placing an order. The easiest way to order this amazing essential oil and so many others is to go to 

TWITTER @younglivingyeg
MEMBER # 1376741 
(you will need my membership number to sign up!)


In Health & Wellness, 
Dana C. 

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Essential Oils instead of Tylenol

Panaway, Peppermint, Valor

Apply these Young Living Essential Oils on in this specific order. They work better than taking a Tylenol. Apply them on your feet for general assistance or apply them directly on a painful site. I personally apply these three amazing Oils on my lower back and they work. Seriously they work!!!

The great news is that these three Oils can be purchased in the Start Living Everyday Oils enrollment kit. This kit is an amazing deal and will give you access to member pricing too. The kit also includes frankincense, lemon , purification and thieves. You will also get two free samples of Ningxia Red and  two free  essential oils too!

Order at
#3700 - Start Living with Everyday Oils (Enrollment) KitThe Everyday Oils enrollment kit provides everything you need to professionally and confidently share Young Living's therapeutic-grade essential oils with others, all at a $10.00 savings over individual product pricing.
Everyday Oils includes:
1 - 5 ml Frankincense
1 - 5 ml Lemon
1 - 5 ml Lavender
1 - 5 ml Peppermint
1 - 5 ml Purification
1 - 5 ml Panaway
1 - 5 ml Peace & Calming®
1 - 5 ml Thieves®
1 - 5 ml Valor

Natural remedies can truly be the best kind! You will love this kit! Every single person I know who has this kit uses all of the oils and genuinely loves them. These natural oils work!

Essential Oils for Hair Loss...Yes Please!

Hair Loss & Young Living Essential Oils

Hair Loss can occur for various reasons. Sometimes hair loss or balding occurs naturally with age. There are many  other reasons such as: after/during pregnancy, post surgery, stress, medication and various other reasons. One thing is for sure while some individuals look ravishing with a bald head or thinning hair, others can find it quite stressful to loose clumps of hair. Even if hair loss is caused by stress, added stress may occur when excessive hair loss is occurring.

Recently I had surgery and was on a high dose of medication for an extended period of time. As my hair loss continued to clump out I turned to Young Living Essential Oils to help me out. It genuinely works!

The following are a Young Living Essential Oils recommended for Hair Loss. 

*clary sage 
*ylang ylang 

Apply 2-3 drops on location or on the bottom of your feet. You can also add a few drops of each to a hair oil (example:Moroccan oil) or in a spray on conditioner.

This treatment for hair loss works! It may seem a bit pricey but trust me it is worth the cost and it works! You won't regret this regime.

 Order these amazing oils at
Email me at if you would like to order directly through me
