Sunday, 25 November 2012

IBS? Nausea? Crohn's? Colitis?

Peppermint is the essential oil for you! 

You may even want to carry it in your purse or bag, travel with it and carry it at all times. I actually keep Frankincense, Lemon and Peppermint essential oils on hand at all times. 

When you initially think of peppermint you may think of chewing gum, mints and candy canes. These sugar packed items may not even contain 'real' peppermint in them. You may think a peppermint is settling your stomach when in fact the sugar in the mint may be worsening the problem. 

I love putting a drop of Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil in my tea. The flavor is unbelievable, you can actually enjoy a drop in water as well. Almost all of my friends and family who have tried peppermint in their tea say that it is the best tea they have ever tasted. It tastes good, freshens your breath and will also curb your appetite. 

Peppermint is a powerful essential oil containing antibacterial and antiviral properties.  Peppermint has the ability to work on an upset stomach, indigestion and so much more. One drop of Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil goes a long way. 
I am personally on a lot of medication for chronic pain. I suffer from nausea and after applying a couple drops to each of my feet I start to feel a lot better quickly. You can also rub peppermint directly on the stomach, mix it with olive oil or Young LIving's V-6 MIxing oil (50/50). I personally like to apply it to the bottom of my feet. 
Try Peppermint Essential Oil for:
*motion/car sickness
*Relieve Crohn's symptoms (apply on abdomen or feet)
*Relieve Colitis symptoms (apply on abdomen or feet)
*Inhale for energy
*Inhale or apply on the bottom of the feet for morning sickness
*Headaches (apply on temples)
*Sinus Congestion
*Pain relief
*Put in your tea or water
*Good for digestive problems
If you would like to try out this amazing product or any Young Living Product visit my website at to sign up and order. Please e-mail me if you have any questions about this product or any of the products. 
Twitter @younglivingyeg

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